Advanced Traffic Management System Software

Traffic Controller Cabinets & Systems

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We proudly offer Econolite’s Centracs Mobility ATMS. This cutting-edge cloud based system combines the data analytic capabilities of Signal Performance Measures, timing pattern optimization, and an entirely new way of providing adaptive signal control in real-time—in turn delivering new levels of traffic signal control and intelligent automation.

This flexible cloud-based platform, offered in five suites, ensures your transportation agency will have the most sustainable and future-proof solutions available—meeting the evolving traffic control demands of the Smart City multimodal transportation environment, as well as the unique needs of each agency.

WP Signal has already successfully upgraded many of our former ATMS clients to this more feature rich, easy to use central signal system. Ask us to show you how Centracs Mobility is a much better value, and fit for future-proofing your traffic signal investment.

Econolite Centracs-Mobility

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